The proper steps to follow when running VERSION AE are:
1. Shutdown all Application Servers, Process Schedulers, and
other PeopleTools clients.
2. *critical step* Ensure that all Application Designer session
are logged out and shut down. If necessary, shutdown and restart
the database and its communication software.
3. Establish the proper shell environment. Normally this
includes loging in as your PeopleSoft id, and
changing to the PSFT bin directory (i.e. cd $PS_HOME/bin)
setting the PS_SERVER_CFG environment variable (export
PS_SERVER_CFG=$PS_HOME/appserv/prcs/<dbna me>/psprcs.cfg)
4. Execute the command from a command line:
psae -CD <dbname> -CT <dbtype> -CO <oprid> -CP <pswd> -R
INSTALL [where INSTALL is a valid run control] -AI VERSION
(Note: INSTALL must be a valid run control for <oprid>)
5. Issue the following SQL and archive the output to ensure that
the program ran (all the versions should be 1).
6. Clear the cache files from the Application Server, Web
Servers, Process Schedulers, and Client machines.
7. Restart the system per normal operational procedures. There
will be expected performance impact as the system rebuilds its cache
8. Over the course of the following days, every 4 hours or so,
rerun the SQL from Step #5. You should observe a gradual growth of
the versions, typically in the order of dozens per day. The version
associated with SYS should always be equal to or greater than all
other values in the table.