Tuesday, 1 August 2023

The purge process did not run because the Oprid configured to start the Process Scheduler did not have the required permissions to run the purge process.

 Purge process - Required permissions

The PeopleSoft Oprid used to start the Process Scheduler, as defined in the Scheduler's psprcs.cfg file, must have the following permissions to be able to submit the purge process:

1) "ProcessSchedulerAdmin" Role.
2) "ReportDistAdmin" Role.
3) The Oprid must have the "Can start Application Server" permission assigned.

4) The Oprid must have the TLSALL Process Group permission assigned.
5) The Oprid must have a valid Process Profile and Primary Permission List.

NOTE: "Can start Application Server" and TLSALL process group permissions must be part of a Role assigned to the Oprid.

Steps to add the necessary permissions:

1) Navigate to PeopleTools - User Profiles - User Profiles.
2) Bring up the record for the affected Oprid.
3) Navigate to the Roles tab.
a) Select the + button to add a new row.
b) Assign the "ProcessSchedulerAdmin" role.
c) Select the + button to add a new row.
d) Assign the "ReportDistAdmin" role.
e) Select the + button to add a new row.
f) Assign the "PeopleSoft User" role.
g) Select the + button to add a new row.
h) Assign the "PeopleTools" role.
i) Save the record.
4) Navigate to the General tab.
a) Take note of the Process Profile value.
5) Navigate to PeopleTools - User Profiles - Permissions & Roles.
6) Select Permission Lists and search for the Permission List from step 4a.
7) On the General tab, select the "Can Start Application Server?" checkbox.
8) Select the Process tab.
a) Select the "Process Group" link.
b) Enter a new value: "TLSALL".
c) Hit Ok to return to the previous page.
d) Save the record.

Process Scheduler Fails To Start On Unix: System Lock Semop Failure

Issue :

 The Process Scheduler defined on UNIX will not start.  The following error occurs in the TUXLOG file:

"125432.machinename!BBL.8918.1078784256.0: LIBTUX_CAT:271: ERROR: System
lock semop failure, key = 217338 (errno = 22)
125432.machinename!BBL.8918.1078784256.0: LIBTUX_CAT:268: ERROR: Failed to
stop serving."

Fix :

ensure the OS level userid starting the Process Scheduler has rwxr-xr-x level permissions with regard to the Oracle library libclntsh.so.10.1

Future of Oracle HTTP Server with Peopletools 8.60

 OHS is Certified based on the Weblogic version, not directly with the PeopleTools version being used, however this can be "Certified by association" since each major version of PeopleTools is only Certified with one version of Oracle Weblogic.

PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.60 is certified with Oracle WebLogic Server (minimum patch level).

Oracle Weblogic is Certified with the following OHS versions:

Therefore, the above OHS versions are INDIRECTLY Certified with PeopleTools 8.60, based on the Weblogic version involved.

The purge process did not run because the Oprid configured to start the Process Scheduler did not have the required permissions to run the purge process.

  Purge process - Required permissions The PeopleSoft Oprid used to start the Process Scheduler, as defined in the Scheduler's psprcs.cf...