SQR Report stuck at status "Posting":
Things to Check before Troubleshooting:
1. Mini web must be up and running(for PSA 9.1).
2. Application Messaging server must be up and running.
Troubleshooting steps:
1. Run the below SQL on the particular environment (XXDEV,XXTST,XXACT,XXPRD).
select * from ps_cdm_list where prcsinstance=xxxxxxx; -- modify the xxxxx with process instance number
2. check for OUTPUTDIR from the above query results, showing something like
For PSA 9.1: XXDEV/20140307/262044
For PSA 8: 03190701123F6B2B703362A9140A301269AEB9CF98950C51B28153CB9B35AFF47A44E5875699FAB8B4DFC1197E9E33
3. Go to report repository and check for the above directories.
4. If the file present in the directory,please go ahead and update the status to posted( in PSA 9.1) or Success (in PSA 8).
SQL to update from backend:
PSA 9.1:
To update distribution status to posted from posting:
update psprcsque set DISTSTATUS='5' where prcsinstance=418387;
update psprcsrqst set DISTSTATUS='5' where prcsinstance=418387;
update psprcsque set DISTSTATUS='5' where prcsinstance=418387;
PSA 8:
update psprcsrqst set runstatus= '14' , servernamerun = 'PSNT6' where prcsinstance in ('7086041');
update psprcsque set runstatus= '14' , servernamerun = 'PSNT6' where prcsinstance in ('7086041');
update ps_cdm_list set diststatus='3', transferinstance= 0 where prcsinstance in ('7086041');
update psprcsrqst set runstatus= '14' , servernamerun = 'PSUNX' where prcsinstance in ('8065483');
update psprcsque set runstatus= '14' , servernamerun = 'PSUNX' where prcsinstance in ('8065483');
update ps_cdm_list set diststatus='3', transferinstance= 0 where prcsinstance in ('8065483');
Things to Check before Troubleshooting:
1. Mini web must be up and running(for PSA 9.1).
2. Application Messaging server must be up and running.
Troubleshooting steps:
1. Run the below SQL on the particular environment (XXDEV,XXTST,XXACT,XXPRD).
select * from ps_cdm_list where prcsinstance=xxxxxxx; -- modify the xxxxx with process instance number
2. check for OUTPUTDIR from the above query results, showing something like
For PSA 9.1: XXDEV/20140307/262044
For PSA 8: 03190701123F6B2B703362A9140A301269AEB9CF98950C51B28153CB9B35AFF47A44E5875699FAB8B4DFC1197E9E33
3. Go to report repository and check for the above directories.
4. If the file present in the directory,please go ahead and update the status to posted( in PSA 9.1) or Success (in PSA 8).
SQL to update from backend:
PSA 9.1:
To update distribution status to posted from posting:
update psprcsque set DISTSTATUS='5' where prcsinstance=418387;
update psprcsrqst set DISTSTATUS='5' where prcsinstance=418387;
update psprcsque set DISTSTATUS='5' where prcsinstance=418387;
PSA 8:
update psprcsrqst set runstatus= '14' , servernamerun = 'PSNT6' where prcsinstance in ('7086041');
update psprcsque set runstatus= '14' , servernamerun = 'PSNT6' where prcsinstance in ('7086041');
update ps_cdm_list set diststatus='3', transferinstance= 0 where prcsinstance in ('7086041');
update psprcsrqst set runstatus= '14' , servernamerun = 'PSUNX' where prcsinstance in ('8065483');
update psprcsque set runstatus= '14' , servernamerun = 'PSUNX' where prcsinstance in ('8065483');
update ps_cdm_list set diststatus='3', transferinstance= 0 where prcsinstance in ('8065483');
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