How to Create OVA File in PT8.55
1. Create a copy of the zip
downloaded files from Oracle Support site;
2. Unzip 1st zip archive from your PUM VirtualBox option; in same folder you should have bootstrap DPK setup and all the zip files downloaded from Oracle Support site;
3. Run PowerShell in Administrator mode;
4. In case you do not have permissions to run PowerShell scripts, run the following command:
Set-executionpolicy remotesigned
5. From PowerShell, navigate to the setup folder(bootstrap DPK folder) from the location where you have unzipped the 1st archive(for example: C:\ PUM16\setup where “PUM16” is the main folder with the downloaded zip files ;
6. Run .\pst-dpk-setup.ps1 script file and it will create your .ova file
8. Create a share folder for this
virtual machine:
9. Follow the instruction from the Virtual machine;
10. After login with root user, navigate to the shared folder and run the file script:
11. Follow the rest of the instructions from the installed Virtual Machine.
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