Thursday, 9 April 2015

Digital Certificate Installtion

Digital Certificate Installtion

1)      Navigate to webserver /piabin folder (/psoft/XXXX/webserv/XXXX/piabin)
2)      List the certificates to ensure it is already not installed
Server name -/psoft/XXXX/webserv/XXXX/piabin> -list

PeopleSoft PSKeyManager:
Enter your current keystore password [press ENTER to quit]:

Warning:  Your keystore password is set to the default password of
          'password'.  This is too obvious and should NEVER be used
          in a production environment.  You can change you keystore
          password via the -changekeystorepassword option.

Keystore type: JKS
Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 29 entries

3)      Import the certificate –import

Server name -/psoft/XXXX/webserv/XXXX/piabin> -import

PeopleSoft PSKeyManager:
Enter your current keystore password [press ENTER to quit]:

Warning:  Your keystore password is set to the default password of
          'password'.  This is too obvious and should NEVER be used
          in a production environment.  You can change you keystore
          password via the -changekeystorepassword option.

All certificates and keys require an alias that they will be referenced by.
Press ENTER to use local machine name, to exit enter 'QUIT'.
Specify an alias for this certificate [server]
Enter the name of the certificate file to import [press ENTER to quit]:
/psoft/a_common/certificates /Certificate_name.cer

Owner: OU=XXXX
Issuer: OU=XXXX
Serial number: 0
Valid from: Tue Jun 29 13:06:20 EDT 2004 until: Thu Jun 29 13:06:20 EDT 2034
Certificate fingerprints:


Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
Certificate was added to keystore
4)      Bounce web domain

5)      Test the connection by pinging the node.

XXXX* is domain name

1 comment:

The purge process did not run because the Oprid configured to start the Process Scheduler did not have the required permissions to run the purge process.

  Purge process - Required permissions The PeopleSoft Oprid used to start the Process Scheduler, as defined in the Scheduler's